The Delta Variant

The Delta variant, now the most common worldwide, has substantially increased COVID risk, including for vaccinated people. We discuss the risk of hospitalization, death, long-term symptoms, and of passing the infection to the people around you.

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microCOVID Risk Tracker: How our house got our lives back

Navigating house/pod agreements around COVID can be really stressful. We made a tool to help make it a lot easier.

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Still using a cloth mask? Upgrade to an N95 or P100!

With caseloads near record highs and new, more infectious COVID variants starting to spread, it's time to upgrade your masks to N95 or better, both to protect yourself and to slow the spread of the disease

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Model updates for the new, more contagious COVID-19 variant

The new variant of COVID, B117, is ~50% more contagious than the viruses that were circulating before. We explain why that matters and how microCOVID is changing to account for this.

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Ask microCOVID: Why doesn't a negative test mean someone is safe?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, people have wanted to use negative COVID-19 tests to tell them they were safe and COVID free. While tests are far from perfect, negative tests do give us some information. We explain how to update your risk assessment from getting a negative test.

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Air Purifiers, Winter, and COVID-19

HEPA filters can provide a 4x reduction to Covid-19 transmission. We detail how to use this to reduce the risk of gatherings in the winter.

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Thanksgiving during COVID

Thanksgiving is approaching as Coronavirus is spiking. I used microCOVID to examine the risks of flying home for Thanksgiving (spoilers: it's really quite dangerous).

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Microcovid UX and functional update

We’ve been hard at work improving the microCOVID calculator to make it better and easier to use. Today we’re announcing Version 2 of our calculator. Much of the interface will feel familiar, but there have been some changes to reduce confusion and improve the user flow.

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